Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Regency of Pelalawan

Situation Of Nature
Regency of Pelalawan lays in 1’25’ Paralel North and 0’20’ Paralel South and between 100’42’ Longitude East, 103’28’ Longitude West, with height of about 3,5 - 4 m above sea level.

Regency of Pelalawan has regional boundaries as follows
a. northside with Regency of Siak
b. eastside with Regency of Karimun, Riau Kepulauan Province
c. southside with Regency of Indragiri Hulu and Regency of Indragiri Hilir and
d. westside with Pekanbaru city and Regency of Kampar.

Regency of Pelalawan has entirety region of about 12.490,42 km2, with capital regency domicile in Pangkalan Kerinci, consists of 10 districts, those are Districts Of Bunut, Langgam, Kuala Kampar, Pangkalan Kuras, Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan, Pangkalan Lesung, Ukui, Teluk Meranti and Kerumutan.

Regency of Pelalawan has tropical climate with rainfall of between 2.598 mm/year and air temperature of between 22’ – 32’ C.

Travel Destination in Pelalawan

Bono (the big wave)
Bono is a kind of natural phenomenon which amaze. When the tide go to upstream of the river, the water will swell up with a big wave. The hight of the wave is about 6 metres. According to one of the tales, it is said that Bono in Kuala Kampar is the male couple of female Bono which is in the Rokan river. This Bono will get angry in the early days of the month, precisely when the high tide is up. When the tide is over, the Bono also disappears. No body knows where it is gone. Bono usually emerges between the day 10 until 20 of Hijriyah months. This amazing event is started with whirr sound seems like the storm will go down. By the society around Kuala Kampar, Bono is an ordinary event that they have known since their childhood. It is not strange if the young and old people over there assume that Bono is as more than playing arena to test their agility of boating and it is not something that must be avoided. This Bono can be seen in Teluk Meranti village, Kuala Kampar.

Equator monument and guesthouse
About 56 kilometres outside of Pangkalan Kerinci, passing through East Sumatra highway, precisely in Tua Besar village where the equator line is passed through. This equator line is marked by a monument which was built located on roadside of East Sumatra highway. The equator area has been identified since Indies Dutch colonial period. At that moment, it was made a sign in form of circle iron functioned as a connection gate on the eastside two old villages and on the westside of Pangkalan Lesung village. The iron has been collapsed, then it was replaced with the monument. Around the monument, it was built a guesthouse, garden with bench, that can be used to a rest place for travellers. They can enjoy fresh drink of original honey bee that always available there, and it also can be brought as a present in a bottle of medium size packed.

Lake of tajwid
It is not far from Langgam village (of about 10 minute), going through the stream to upstream of Langgam river, there is a lake called Lake Tajwid. It is name with ?Tajwid? probably because it looks like the sign of tajwid (islamic pronunciation mark in reading koran) according to the arabic alphabets. This lake is a property of custom society holded by Sprout Custom. This lake is potential because it has many kinds of fishes like motan fish. The fishes in this lake may not be taken promiscuously by people, but the outcome of this lake is auctioned by Sprout Custom to the people. The winner group of this auction once in one year can get outcome of this lake. Income gets from the auction is utilized for the development of the village. External society can enjoy the outcome of the lake like fishing but previously must get permission from Sprout Custom or the auction winner.

Lake tanjung putus
Lake Foreland reside in located not far from Kampar river. It is about 25 minutes from the town of Pangkalan Kerinci pass through the upstream of Kampar river. Entering watercourse and going to the Lake Tanjung Putus, the dense trees in the bank of the river where the tips of big tree leaf join to each other and the forms are like umbrellas. They protect visitors from sunshine. Various types of plants grow here and sway by the wind blows with colorful leaves fall and deflect on the surface of the water. The hospitality of nature invites us to enjoy the dints of pure natural beauty.

Mausoleum of Sultan mahmud syah I
Mausoleum of Sultan Mahmud Syah I is located in Pekan Tua village. In history of Malaka, Sultan Mahmud Syah I was the eighth and the last king of Malaka (1488-1511), while in history of Johor he was the first king of Johor (1511-1528). In a book of ?History of Johor" written by Haji Buyong bin Adil, it is explained that after Malaka was defeated by Portuguese in 1511, Sultan Mahmud Syah I and his son Sultan Ahmad Syah and his followers retreated and made a defense place to parry and attack Portuguese. In September 1527, Sultan Mahmud along with his son, wife and the great people of his kingdom in Kampar (Pekan Tua). In this place, the king lived in the palace that had owned by his brother the Late of Sultan Munawar Syah Sultan Kampar. Sultan Mahmud Syah I was a brave warrior and until the death took him away, his spirit has never given up at anytime to fight againts the imperialist of Portuguese. He passed away in 1528 and was buried in Pekan Tua village.

Menumbai is an activity to take honey bee on the hive tree. The hive tree is the high tree which often utilized by the wild bees to have a nest. Before climbing the hive tree to take the honey from its nest, the equipments that previously be prepared are :
- Timbo (pail), to accommodate honey bee and den
- Long String, to pull down the pail which load with honey
- Tunu/tunam (coconut fiber attached to the top of a long stick and burned to get smoke and ember) as a tool to expel the bees
- Semangkat/ladder (a tool to climb the hive tree easier).

Pelalawan village
Pelalawan village is located near the bank of Kampar river that can be gone through by speedboat in about one hour from Pangkalan Kerinci. In the past, Pelalawan village had been a center of Pelalawan kingdom from 1811 to 1945. This kingdom had been end since The Republic Of Indonesia was proclaimed in 1945. The King of Pelalawan expressed his obedient and integrated in The Republic Of Indonesia. As a center of the kingdom, still, it can be seen the historic omissions in the form of weapons that are cannons in small and large size. The houses of resident generally look like pyramid buildings that row and face to the Kampar river which has the hard current to the estuary. This village looks calm and comfortable.

Petalangan cultural center
Complex of Cultural Center which called "Bujang Tan Domang", was built on a farm that is 17 hectares in width, on the side of Lake Monti, and encircled by small hills. It is located in Betung village, Pangkalan Kuras, with shady hive forest as its background. The area location is about 129 kilometres from Pekanbaru. Thera are also some buildings with typical characteristic of Malay in this area. Some of the buildings are Guntung Laut White Hall building and Tuk Monti museum which is contains everyday equipments including artistry appliances that are used by Petalangan tribe, Lindung Bulan Crafting Hall, Guesthouse, fish ponds, equiped by many facilities including cultural office and electrics.

The omission of Pelalawan kingdom
In the past, Pelalawan village is a place of many kings. During its glorious era, Pelalawan kingdom has big sovereignty and power, which respected by friends and also opponents. But nowadays, this kingdom almost remains a story. Its palace condition looks very awful. Beside the palace, there is also another omission of Pelalawan kingdom that is an old mosque. Behind this mosque, there are mausoleum of kings who ever led and a number of ancient cannons. Throne of the kingdom was led by King Marhum Setia Negara as the last king og Pelalawan. He was an inheritance of Sultan Mahmud Syah I who came from Malaka.

1 comment:

Indra Wijaya said...

bg bisa minta foto danau tajwid yang besar ga..?klo ada tlg kirim ya..
makasih banyak sebelumnya

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