Development Motto:Oar In Concern Benefit At Once.
Town Motto:Rengat The Historic, Clean, Prosperous and Harmonious Town.
Brief History Regency of Indragiri Hulu is initially specified with Regulation No. 12 Year 1996, about The Establishment of Autonomous Area of Regencies in Central Sumatra Province Environment, Regency of Indragiri consists of regions of Rengat and Tembilahan. In 1965, Regency of Indragiri has been expanded to be Regency of Indragiri Hulu and Indragiri Hilir, pursuant to Regulation No. 6 Year 1965. But the rapid growth of this area and the waves of reformation era made Regency of Indragiri Hulu has been restructured which cause Regency of Indragiri Hulu was developed in to 2 regencies, those are Regency of Indragiri Hulu and Regency of Kuantan Singingi.
Situation Of Nature Regency of Indragiri Hulu lays in 0’15’ Paralel North 1’5’ Paralel South 10’10’ Longitude East and 102’48’ Longitude West.
Regional Boundary Regency of Indragiri Hulu has regional boundaries as follows :
a. northside with Regency of Pelalawan
b. eastside with Regency of Indragiri Hilir
c. southside with Regency of Bungo Tebo, Province of Jambi; and
d. westside with Regency of Kuantan Singingi.
Regency of Indragiri Hulu has entirety region of about 8.195,26 km2, with capital city domicile in Rengat, consists of 9 districts, those are Districts of Pasir Penyu, Siberida, Peranap, Rengat, West Rengat, Kelayang, Lirik, Batang Cinaku, and Batang Gangsal.
Climate Regency of Indragiri Hulu has tropical climate with rainfall between 2.266 mm/year. Air temperature between 27’ – 32’ C.
Regency of Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) is situated in the region of Riau Continent which has variety cultural and rich natural and also various types of plant and animal, represents its own characteristics fascination for the tourism area. Various culture which develops in this area bears variety of traditional arts, wood crafts, artistic weave, engraving arts, dances, and theaters. It includes artistic forms of isolated society of Talang Mamak tribe.
Travel Destination in Indragiri HuluBukit tiga puluh natioanak park
Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park is located on the highway between The Riau province and Jambi province, of about 50 kilometres from town of Rengat. Its cold temperature and natural beauty, makes us feel comfort to stay and to enjoy its nature views.As wet tropical forest conservation area for the width of 94.698 hectares, Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park functions as animal and water preservation area. This garden is rich with its various rare plants and animals. Muka Rimau mushroom, Salo, and Mapau, are endemic plants which rare enough that can be found in this forest area. Besides, it also can be found 59 rare types of animal in this area, for example : Sumatra Elephant, Sumatra Tiger, and others. In the Location of National Park has also been built a museum and training center of forest fire. In the museum, we can see variety type of plants and animals. Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park is very ideal to many activities for tourism, and also adventure sport challenge activities, such as arung jeram, trekking, etcetera. In this garden area, there is also community of Talang Mamak tribe (one of isolated and undeveloped tribes in Riau) which still lives traditionally and very depend on to the forest.
Funeral complex of Indragiri Kingdom
It is about 7 kilometres before Pematang Rebah or about 17 kilometres from Rengat, entering Kota Lama area, on the roadside which is not far from Kota Lama market, there can be seen a banner of Funeral Complex of Indragiri Kingdom. The mausoleum of the king along with his followers, all, have been restored and even have been arranged by district government of Indragiri Hulu. It can be seen in this complex a mausoleum of King Nara Singa, Commander Juksi Besi which his famous mausoleum in length of 8 metres and many others mausoleum of the followers.
Lake Menduyan
Lake Menduyan is located next to the Funeral Complex of Indragiri kingdom in Kota Lama about 17 kilometres from town of Rengat and 7 kilometres before Pematang Rebah. Lake Menduyan which still original and harmonious is very compatible to be developed in to object for tourism. Condition of the lake at the moment is still not touched yet, that means it has not been developed yet.
Lake Raja
Lake Raja which is situated on protocol street of Rengat has its own characteristic and strength. According to the story of its society, it is said that the lake which there is no dismissal stream looks like like "a frying-pan", it means that the water in this lake has never been withdrawn, and it looks like water in frying-pan. Its beautiful panorama makes tourists enjoy swimming and fishing of various type of fishes in this lake. In the holidays, the lake is usually crowed by tourists for relax and fun., both the teenagers and married people
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