Sailing Reaches The Island, Walking Reaches The Limit.
Town Motto:
Ibadah (Religious Service); contraction of I-indah (Beautiful), B-bersih (Clean), A-aman (Secure), Da-damai (peaceful) H-harmonis (Harmonious)
Situation Of Nature
The region of Indragiri Hilir lays between 102’ 32’ Longitude East, 0’ 36’ Paralel North, 10’7’ Paralel South.
Sub-Province of Indragiri Hilir has regional boundaries as follows
a. northside with Regency of Pelalawan
b. eastside with Province of Riau Kepulauan
c. southside with Regency of Tabung Jabung, Province of Jambi; and
d. westside with Regency of Indragiri Hulu.
Regency of Indragiri Hilir has entirety region of about 18.812,97 km2, with capital of regency domicile in Tembilahan, consists of 17 districts, those are Districts of Tembilahan, Tempuling, Gaung Anak Serka, Khairiah Mandah, Kateman, Batang Tuaka, Tanah Merah, Kuala Indragiri, Enok, Reteh, Keritang, Gaung, Pulau Burung, Tembilahan Hulu, Kemuning, Pelanggiran and Teluk Belengkong.
It has tropical climate with rainfall between 1300 mm/year. Air temperature of about 26’ – 29’C.
Regency of Indragiri Hilir (lnhil) which is also called with “Country A Thousand Ditches". That is precise name to describe the nature condition of lnhil which dominated by swamp peat area and also small ditches that represent the limit of coconut plantation as the local people crops.
The culture of Inhil society generally is from Malay. However, in this area there are also other people who from ethnical of Banjar and Bugis. This people later live hereditarily, and bear cultural form which represents the combination of Malay culture with culture of Banjar and Bugis.
Travel Destination in Indragiri hilir
Echo of Muharram
Islamic new year is commemorated on the first day of Muharam month, year of Hijriah, and for Muslems in Regency of Indragiri Hilir, it has very significant impression and value since the last four years. The celebration of the new year of Muharam which is named with ?Echo of Muharam? is shimmered with many religious and social activities. Some activities which are carried out are art and culture contest of Islam that is for students and college students, contest of bersanji marhaban, contest of Maulid Habsyi, contest in reciting koran and prayer, echoing in each district in Inhil. Besides, there are also parade Taaruf of Echo of Muharam, praying together in welcoming new year and praying of istigozsyah in commemorating of Muharam. At that moment, all the chalips, moslem scholars, government officials of Regency of Inhil, parliament representative members, prominents of the society and the society of Inhil, gathering in front of the wide open area of The Great Mosque of Tembilahan to pray together and worship the great of Allah.
Leper boat
Leper boat is a kind of traditional transportation vehicle of the society of Indragiri Hilir. This boat is unique because it has two functions that can be used in the river and also in mud area. This Leper boat has started to use for competition by society of Inhil since the last few years, besides to commemorate The Republic Of Indonesia anniversary, the competition often performs on the great day of ldul Fitri and ldul Adha, or other moments while Indragiri river is at low tide. Previously, the race location is located in Pakan Arba, however it had not been maintained properly and wild woods grew at any place, so it was carried over to Kuala Gete which has broader coastal as well as crossing area and also there will be built the overpass so that it will be more visitors come to the place.
Plantation for tourism
Regency of Indragiri Hilir is also called ?The Country A Thousand Ditches?, is agriculture area which has potency for tourism plantation area, those are Coconut Plantation of People, Coconut Plantation of Hibrida, Pineapple Plantation and other plantation of hard crops. On the other hand, this area has also paddy farm area which is about similar in large with the area of plantations above. These plantations and farms are almost found in all villages in Indragiri Hilir. Coconut Plantation of Hibrida and Pineapple Plantation are located in Burung island, District of Kateman. This area is covered with large peat area. The plantation products have been processed to become food products such as coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut water, canned pineapple and others.
Solop beach
Mangrove trees combined with white beach sand that is formed from husk and fraction of animals and sea plants, make the atmosphere and view of Solop beach are attractive and rare. It is difficult to find in other places, because generally coastal swamp peat areas are always covered by mud. The area of Mangrove forest is about 40 km2 and represents the most beautiful Mangrove Forest in Indonesia. This makes Solop beach as superior tourism object "Dondang Tandak" that is always crowded by visitors. The location is situated in Cawan island which its territorial water is passed by Ferry ship from and to Batam island every day that can be reached in about 20 minutes by using speed boat from southward Town of Mandah, while from Tembilahan the journey to the beach location is about 90 minutes.
Tembukun rusa waterfall
This waterfall is located in the northside of Batu Ampar village. To reach this location, it can be passed through by using four wheel vehicles. The distance between Batu Ampar village with the waterfall around 2 kilometres. The height of the waterfall reaches 18 metres, while its depth is only about 1,5 metres. Next to the groove of the waterfall, there are stones look like doorstep for climbing up. According to local society, its current has estuary to downstream, precisely in Reteh river.
Town Motto:
Ibadah (Religious Service); contraction of I-indah (Beautiful), B-bersih (Clean), A-aman (Secure), Da-damai (peaceful) H-harmonis (Harmonious)
Situation Of Nature
The region of Indragiri Hilir lays between 102’ 32’ Longitude East, 0’ 36’ Paralel North, 10’7’ Paralel South.
Sub-Province of Indragiri Hilir has regional boundaries as follows
a. northside with Regency of Pelalawan
b. eastside with Province of Riau Kepulauan
c. southside with Regency of Tabung Jabung, Province of Jambi; and
d. westside with Regency of Indragiri Hulu.
Regency of Indragiri Hilir has entirety region of about 18.812,97 km2, with capital of regency domicile in Tembilahan, consists of 17 districts, those are Districts of Tembilahan, Tempuling, Gaung Anak Serka, Khairiah Mandah, Kateman, Batang Tuaka, Tanah Merah, Kuala Indragiri, Enok, Reteh, Keritang, Gaung, Pulau Burung, Tembilahan Hulu, Kemuning, Pelanggiran and Teluk Belengkong.
It has tropical climate with rainfall between 1300 mm/year. Air temperature of about 26’ – 29’C.
Regency of Indragiri Hilir (lnhil) which is also called with “Country A Thousand Ditches". That is precise name to describe the nature condition of lnhil which dominated by swamp peat area and also small ditches that represent the limit of coconut plantation as the local people crops.
The culture of Inhil society generally is from Malay. However, in this area there are also other people who from ethnical of Banjar and Bugis. This people later live hereditarily, and bear cultural form which represents the combination of Malay culture with culture of Banjar and Bugis.
Travel Destination in Indragiri hilir
Echo of Muharram
Leper boat
Plantation for tourism
Solop beach
Tembukun rusa waterfall
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